Sweet Teeth for Halloween

Long time no see! Halloween is around the corner and it’s time to start the baking. Baking, you ask? What for? Well, for a party maybe, or just to enjoy some holiday food! I have an idea for you:


Eww, I know . . . But they are actually quite tasty. And easy to make. All you need to do is the following:

1.     Find a chocolate chip cookie recipe or simply buy some chocolate chip cookies.

2.     Make some whipped cream and colour it with red food colouring.

3.     Get some little white marshmallows.

4.     Cut the cookie in half and spread the pink whipped cream on both halves. On one of the halves, place the little marshmallows. Then stick the other half on top. The result looks a little bit like this - I’m not a chef, I get it! But the most important thing is that you have fun and that it tastes good!

 While you bake, you can listen to Louis Armstrong’s “The Skeleton in the Closet” to get you in the mood!

Louis Armstrong, "The Skeleton in the Closet"

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