Royal Academy of Arts: Summer Exhibition 2022


Bad Lemon (Josh) by Kathleen Ryan

Since 1769, London’s Royal Academy of Arts has held its annual summer exhibition, a showcase of art created right now, by both established and emerging artists. It is the world’s largest open submission exhibition: anyone can submit their work for consideration. The works are selected and hung by Royal Academicians (RAs), the group of world-leading artists and architects who are at the heart of the Royal Academy. Each year, one Royal Academician is in charge of coordinating the entire exhibition. Another special thing about the summer exhibition: most of the works of art are for sale. This year’s exhibition coordinator Alison Wilding RA chose the theme ‘Climate’.

Royal Academy of Arts, Summer Exhibition 2022, Meet the Artists

And here a few images of some of our favourites:

Beekeeper (Girl) II by Yinka Shonibare RA

Dante’s Inferno -Canto 3- by Leonardo Frigo

Courgette Shoes by Sandra Lane

This year was also the fourth year of the Royal Academy’s Young Artists’ Summer Show for students aged 4 – 19 across the UK. The judges selected 519 artworks out of over 21,000 submissions to be exhibited online. In August, some of the artworks were also exhibited on-site at the Royal Academy.

RA Young Artists' Summer Show 2022

Rudolf Nureyev: The Power of Curiosity


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